
Our Partners People
15 Aug 2022


GenderSmart is a global field-building initiative dedicated to unlocking the deployment of strategic, impactful gender-smart capital at scale. The enquiries above are all real questions we’ve been asked by senior investors.

Visit the GenderSmart website.


GenderSmart is a broad field-building initiative and producer of the global GenderSmart Investing Summit. It also convenes working groups on high-impact, high-opportunity investment themes, including climate and gender finance, diversity and inclusion, first-time fund managers, and others. It attracts a highly engaged and curated community of stakeholders to both its Summit and to its working groups.

Unpaid care is arguably the largest driver of gender inequality and is the largest determinant of the gender pay gap. There is overwhelming evidence that shows how women leave or downgrade their careers because traditional workplace policies and practices are not compatible with many people’s care responsibilities, nor do they allow men to share equally in care.

The grant will support GenderSmart’s Care Economy Initiative to support the mapping, landscaping and enhanced awareness of what it means to have a care lens in a gender-smart investment strategy. The initiative will generate a better understanding of care economy investment opportunities, ultimately accelerating the deployment of more capital into the space while increasing investor's awareness of how the unequal distribution of unpaid care drives gender inequality. It will highlight different investment structures that would allow investors to incorporate care economy solutions into their portfolios.

Take a look at their website to learn more about GenderSmart’s work: